A little geography - Asia87 played - yesterday
Here's a geography quiz about Asian countries. I wish you good luck! expert
A little geography - Asia87 played - yesterday
Here's a geography quiz about Asian countries. I wish you good luck! expert
A little geography - America51 played - 7 days ago
Here's a geography quiz about the countries of America. Good luck! expert
The capitals of famous countries!62 played - 16 days ago
In this quiz I'm going to give you the names of well-known countries, and you're going to have to find the capital of the… expert
North African Capitals2.9 k played - 16 yrs ago
This is a quiz to learn the capitals of twelve of the North African Countries. medium
111. The world in 193 questions: the final octet150 played - 1 mth ago
A 193-question quiz covering all 193 UN member states. Now it's time to conclude with the last eight countries. expert
Country flags77 played - 8 mths ago
Here's a quiz where you'll have to recognize the flags and sometimes find the capitals of these countries. expert
Cities, capitals and countries60 played - 1 yr ago
Are you really talented on cities and capitals? expert
Countries of the world155 played - 9 mths ago
I tell you several words and you have to guess a country from these words! The further you get into the quiz, the more complicated… expert
Similar flags, common references (2/5)135 played - 7 mths ago
Some countries, more or less close, have common cultural references that are reflected in their flags. With their St. Olaf… expert