Flags that look alike (2)81 played - 2 days ago
I give you a country, it's up to you to find its flag. medium
Flags that look alike (2)81 played - 2 days ago
I give you a country, it's up to you to find its flag. medium
What country is this?71 played - 18 days ago
You'll have to find out which flag corresponds to which country. Good luck to all expert
Introduction to EU Law628 played - 12 yrs ago
A quiz on EU law and the institutions of the European Union. hard
A quiz about Spain!146 played - 7 mths ago
Here are a few questions about Spain. We wish you good luck! expert
Can you locate these towns? (2986)125 played - 1 yr ago
In which region or department are the following 10 communes located? expert