Quiz Sciences

Quiz Percentages

76 played - 5 mths ago

Reminder :
25% = 25/100 = 0, 25 = 1/4
2, 5% = 2, 5/100 = (25/1 000) = 0, 025


To calculate the 10% of a number you can :

To calculate the 10% of a number you can :

To calculate the 25% of a number you can :

To calculate the 25% of a number you can :

A sweater costs 40. You get a 5% discount. How much will you pay for it?

A sweater costs 40. You get a 5% discount. How much will you pay for it?

A jacket costing 50 is on sale for 35. What is the percentage discount?

A jacket costing 50 is on sale for 35. What is the percentage discount?

There are 12 girls in a class. They represent 48% of the class. How many students are there in this class?

There are 12 girls in a class. They represent 48% of the class. How many students are there in this class?

According to a survey, 1 in 8 Britons believe their house is haunted. What percentage of British people believe in ghosts?

According to a survey, 1 in 8 Britons believe their house is haunted. What percentage of British people believe in ghosts?

In France a student is graded out of 20, in Belgium or Quebec out of 100. Chloe got 9/20 on a dictee, what would her grade have been in Brussels?

In France a student is graded out of 20, in Belgium or Quebec out of 100. Chloe got 9/20 on a dictee, what would her grade have been in Brussels?