Quiz Cine and TV Shows

Quiz Counter-utopian films (2)

115 played - 3 mths ago

A dystopian or counter-utopian film is a work of fiction that sets out to depict an imaginary, often futuristic society, arranged in such a way that its members cannot be happy.



(2004) In 2035, Will Smith is part of a society in which intelligent android robots serve mankind.

(2000) In a futuristic Japan, a class of ninth graders is randomly selected each year to compete on an island for three days, leaving only one survivor.

(2000) In a futuristic Japan, a class of ninth graders is randomly selected each year to compete on an island for three days, leaving only one survivor.

(1956) The world is under the control of an omnipresent dictator, represented by the figure of Big Brother.

(1956) The world is under the control of an omnipresent dictator, represented by the figure of Big Brother.


(1998) Human beings are all created in a laboratory and conditioned to fit into one of the five castes of society (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon).


(2008) A small robot's mission is to clean up planet Earth, which overconsumption has turned into a dumping ground.

(1972) In the future, vegetation has all but disappeared. A team of researchers cultivate forests aboard the space transporter Valley Forge.

(1972) In the future, vegetation has all but disappeared. A team of researchers cultivate forests aboard the space transporter Valley Forge.


(1995) In 2035, the Earth's surface has become unliveable for humanity, forcing survivors to live below the surface to avoid contamination.


(2009) In an alternative America where costumed heroes have changed history, the threat of nuclear war looms large.


(2004) A wall of isolation surrounds the ghetto cities on the outskirts. Gangs reign supreme.

(2009) A near-future where the world, ravaged by war, is given over to anarchy, anomie and integrism.

(2009) A near-future where the world, ravaged by war, is given over to anarchy, anomie and integrism.

(2001) In a futuristic world ravaged by global warming, humans use "mecas", robots created to meet their needs.

(2001) In a futuristic world ravaged by global warming, humans use "mecas", robots created to meet their needs.


(2010) A group of professional thieves penetrate people's subconscious via their dreams to extract information for industrial espionage.