Quiz General knowledge

Quiz Logos gone wild

92 played - 4 mths ago

Read the questions carefully!


You can find out which app the logo belongs to if you add 4 to the question number, subtract 2 and then multiply by 3!

You can find out which app the logo belongs to if you add 4 to the question number, subtract 2 and then multiply by 3!

Multiply by 6, subtract 4, divide by 2 and you'll find the name of the logo!

Multiply by 6, subtract 4, divide by 2 and you'll find the name of the logo!

This step is very simple: the name of the logo is twice the number of the question!

This step is very simple: the name of the logo is twice the number of the question!

Mon premier is an object in which things are stored and is also one of the parts of the drum set (instrument), mon deuxieme means The in English, mon troisieme is the 3rd person singular other than He or She , mon quatrieme is the double of 5, and mon tout is the question number where the logo for this question is going to be!

Mon premier is an object in which things are stored and is also one of the parts of the drum set (instrument), mon deuxieme means The in English, mon troisieme is the 3rd person singular other than He or She , mon quatrieme is the double of 5, and mon tout is the question number where the logo for this question is going to be!

This question is a little more complicated than the others: if you subtract 3 from the number in the question, multiply by 8, divide by 4 and then multiply by 2, you'll find the right logo!

This question is a little more complicated than the others: if you subtract 3 from the number in the question, multiply by 8, divide by 4 and then multiply by 2, you'll find the right logo!


You'll find the name of the logo if you put all these letters in order: U-Y-B-T-O-U-E

Decipher this code language to discover the application behind it! 9-14-19-20-1-7-18-1-13 =

Decipher this code language to discover the application behind it! 9-14-19-20-1-7-18-1-13 =


You'll find the hidden logo if you add 10 to the question number and divide by 6!

Subtract 7 from the question number and add 3 to find the logo!

Subtract 7 from the question number and add 3 to find the logo!


To find the hidden logo, subtract the question number by 4 then add 1!